How to Bypass Garage Door Sensors 

How To Bypass Garage Door Sensors

garage door sensors
We all want the safety of our homes. We want to protect every part of it – from our yard, bedroom, and garage.
But often, some problems could come along the way, especially for garage door sensors. They are the photo eyes that can be seen on the bottom sides of the garage door. What they do is detect any objects in the path.
How do you determine faulty sensors? If you notice lately that your garage door reverses open even when there’s no object in the path. Note that you have to check them with professionals when it comes to sensors. However, if you’re in a rush to park your car inside, there’s one thing you can do: bypass garage door sensors. If you want to know how to bypass garage doors, here are some easy tips for you to follow.

What Garage Door Sensors Do?

Garage door safety sensors can be seen in the bottom part of automatic garage doors. They have photo-eyes that detect any objects that could block the path. They don’t just detect objects, but people too. 

How Garage Door Sensors Work?

The infrared that runs from the photo eyes makes it possible to detect any obstructions. If it detects an object, the photo-eye will signal the garage door to stay open. On the other hand, the garage door closes if the track is clear. 

How to Bypass Garage Door Sensors

If the garage door opener sensors fail to operate, a temporary solution will be to bypass them. If you want to know how to trick garage door sensors, here are some steps you can do:

open garage

Step 1 Clean Everything

Before you disengage the garage sensors, make sure nothing is blocking the tracks. Garage sensors can easily detect any objects or clutter in the path. That’s when they notice that they should not move the garage door.
Make sure to get rid of the objects near the door. You can also clean the sensors since dirt and dust might be mistaken as objects blocking the sensors’ view. Use a microfiber cloth to clean it.
Then, test the garage door once again. If it’s still not operating, proceed to the next step.
garage door sensors

Step 2 Check the Alignment

Check the garage door sensors for alignment. If they’re not aligned, make sure to realign them.
Wingnuts hold the sensors on either side of the garage door. If you don’t know how to adjust garage door sensors, start by tightening the wingnuts.
This will allow the sensors to sit right in place. You will then immediately see if they’re aligned if the garage door sensor is yellow or green, won’t blink.
As you start to align the safety sensors, check the brackets too. Make sure they are fixed securely. If you see they’re loose, use a screwdriver to tighten them.
garage door sensor alignment

Step 3 Check the Wiring

A damaged garage door sensor wire could lead to a faulty operation. Turn off the garage door sensor if you see any frays, burn, or signs of damage to the wires. This way, you will save yourself from any safety hazards the damaged wiring could bring.
Note that when it comes to damaged wirings, it’s best to contact a professional for a replacement.
On the other hand, disconnect garage door sensors if you see no problem with the wiring.
bypassing garag door sensors

Step 4 Disengaging Garage
Door Sensor

After inspecting the wiring and alignment with no luck, try to disconnect the garage door sensors. Make sure to close the garage door when you do this. When it’s open, it may close accidentally, especially if the springs are damaged. As a result, it could endanger you in the process.
single garage doors

Step 5 If You Fail to Close the Door, Leave it Open

If the garage door is open, consider the distance between the ground and the garage door. Place a piece of wood on the bottom side of the garage door. You may want to position it on one end of the ground, so the other side holds up the door.
To position the garage door tightly, use a hammer to keep the wood in place. In this way, the garage door won’t budge. Then, it will be easier to disengage the sensors.
If you don’t have a piece of wood, a 2×4 timber will hold the garage door in an open position.
garage door pull cord

Step 6 Switch to Manual Mode

When switching your garage door in manual mode, make sure to find the release cord. You can find it beside the garage door motor. Fortunately, every automated garage door has one for an emergency.
Once you find the manual release cord, pull it down. Doing this will allow you to operate the garage door.
On the other hand, you will need another person to assist you if the garage door is stuck open. In this way, he can help you close the garage door manually.
This step might be a hassle on your part, but this is one of the few ways you can bypass garage door sensors.

Other Option: Rewire the Sensors

There’s another option for you to bypass the garage doors – rewire the safety sensors to the garage door opener. This might be a technical job, but it helps to bypass the garage door sensors.
Get a ladder to reach the garage door opener easily. At the back of the garage door opener, you will see four-wire attachments.
You will see white, red, and black holes from the left. However, focus on the white and black blocks when reattaching the sensors. Attach the black wires from the sensors, then rewire them into the black blocks of the garage door opener. Make sure to do the same with the white wires.

The Best Solution: Replace the Garage Sensors

Bypassing garage door sensors is an effective way to operate your garage door. You can still use your garage door, even if the sensors are not working correctly.
However, bypassing the sensors won’t solve the problem long-term. You still need the service from garage door experts. In this way, they’ll see the problem with the sensors and diagnose it.
Usually, damaged garage sensors require replacing sensors. Although, you can consult a reliable garage door expert in your area for the best solution for the garage door sensors.
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